x Be able to install your_lovely_package with pip
1 $ pip install your_lovely_package
x Easily deploy a new release on PyPI, for example by pushing a tag on master branch.
You only need:
1 import os
2 from setuptools import setup
4 setup(
5 name='your-lovely-package',
6 version='0.1',
7 packages=['your_lovely_package'],
8 include_package_data=True,
9 license='BSD License', # example license
10 description='A simple lovely package.',
11 long_description='You could read README file and put it there',
12 url='https://github.com/romgar/your-lovely-package',
13 author='Romain Garrigues',
14 author_email='romain.garrigues.cs@gmail.com',
15 classifiers=[
16 'Framework :: Django',
17 ],
18 )
Create a .travis.yml file on your GitHub repository root folder:
1 language: python
3 python:
4 - "2.7"
6 script:
7 - touch foo
1 language: python
3 python:
4 - "2.7"
6 script:
7 - touch foo
9 deploy:
10 provider: pypi
11 user: romgar <--- your PyPI username
12 password:
13 secure: my_secure_password <--- to be generated
14 on:
15 tags: true
16 branch: master
1 $ gem install travis
2 $ travis encrypt --add deploy.password
The generated password will be automatically added to your .travis.yml config file.
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